Usage ===== Once installed, run the push server daemon (alongside Django development server):: ./ runpushserver Or if you want that all requests are processed through push server (and non-push requests passed to Django), you can do:: ./ runpushserver --allrequests (In this way you are not served static files auto-magically, like you might be used on Django development server, so you have to take care of that yourself. Auto-reloading on code change also doesn't happen. Furthermore, by default it runs on port 8000 instead of 8001.) Then you can push data to all clients subscribed to the given channel with simple HTTP request. If you for example want to push some JSON data (called update) you can use provided functions:: from pushserver.utils import updates channel_id = 'some_channel_id' data = { 'type': 'answer', 'value': 42, } updates.send_update(channel_id, data) For JavaScript side you can use provided JavaScript code for processing pushed JSON data as it comes (it requires jQuery_):: .. _jQuery: The code should be initialized with channels (and their URLs) to subscribe to. For that a Django template tag ``channel_url`` is provided:: {% load pushserver %} Provided code assumes that updates are JSON data, are a dictionary, and have a top-level value named ``type`` by which you can register different update processors in your JavaScript code. To continue the example:: function updateAnswer(data) { // data.value == 42 } $.updates.registerProcessor('main_channel', 'answer', updateAnswer); Arguments to ``$.updates.registerProcessor`` are the name of the channel as you have given to ``$.updates.subscribe``, the ``type``, and a processor function which will be called with given data everytime data arrives. If you want to process passthrough requests clients are making when subscribing or unsubscribing, you can connect to provided signals:: from django import dispatch from pushserver import signals @dispatch.receiver(signals.channel_subscribe) def process_channel_subscribe(sender, request, channel_id, **kwargs): print "Subscribed", request.user, channel_id @dispatch.receiver(signals.channel_unsubscribe) def process_channel_unsubscribe(sender, request, channel_id, **kwargs): print "Unsubscribed", request.user, channel_id Because user credentials were being passed through in this example, Django session and authentication middlewares should work as expected, populating ``request.user``. Be aware that for each sent update, clients unsubscribe and soon afterwards subscribe again so many signals could be triggered in a rapid succession. Because of this signal receivers should be very light-weight.